From very public figures, like politicians, to a person in the private sector, false accusations are something to be concerned about as evidenced in of documented 290 wrongful convictions that were overturned in the US based on DNA proof.
Here, Prime Insurance cites some things about the occurrence that can happen to anyone.
9 Interesting Facts about Being Wrongfully Accused
- According to studies, most wrong accusations are malicious in intent
- Some false allegations are the result of memory impairment
- Some wrongful accusations are partially but not fully true
- Devastating results of a wrong accusation include: loss of reputation, loss of finances, loss of livelihood, loss of physical and emotional health, and can even include imprisonment, among other things.
- Victims of a false or wrongful accusation can fight back with a defamation lawsuit, such as slander or defamation
- Libel is defined as accusations in printed in newspapers and the like or posted on the Internet
- Slander refers to a false accusation spoken verbally
- A defamation lawsuit can only be initiated within a certain time-frame
- Journalists, businesses and even individuals can purchase special insurance to protect themselves from a slander lawsuit if they acted in good faith or unknowingly
To discuss whether or not you may benefit from a defamation insurance policy, speak to an experienced independent insurance agent.

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Summary: With the current public fixation on accusations that may or not be true, Prime Insurance highlights unknown facts on the topic.
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