Any mountainous region is susceptible to avalanche risks, but recent huge avalanche snowfalls in the Denver, Co even posed difficulties for highways and car travel.
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The frightening statistics speak for themselves. There are more than 150 global avalanche fatalities per year, leading ski resort operators to issue warnings and lifesaving tips.
An Avalanche Safety Guide for the Winter Sportsman

- Wear a Transceiver
Experts strongly suggest every cross-country skier, snowboarder or hiker invest in an avalanche transceiver or beacon – a radio created to be worn by outdoors sportspeople to help others locate you in the event they are lost and buried underneath snow. - Keep Calm
In the event you are caught in an avalanche, keep calm so that a panic attack does not steal your breath and so that you can proceed with level-headed quick self-rescue methods. - Stretch Your Arm Upward
At the first sign of an avalanche, stretch at least one of your arms as far as you can above your head. Not only will it be a visible sign of you for searching rescuers, it will help you distinguish which way is up when you attempt to climb out. - Spit Out
If you are trapped beneath an avalanche, start spitting. This will aid in making air space for breathing. It will also help you recognize where to begin digging yourself out. The dropped saliva will naturally land below, indicating the opposite direction is above. - Swim through the Snow
Use swimming strokes or any rapid hand and feet movements to get yourself atop of the snow heap and out of mortal danger.
For coverage options associated with homeowners and auto policies, as well as sports and travel risks, speak to the insurance professionals.

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Summary: The possibility of an avalanche is every skier’s and ski resort operation’s nightmare. Prime Insurance Agency offers survival techniques.
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