Enlightening facts about the Seasonal Clock Change
Light Prevails over Darkness in Middle East
It was the month of September, 1999, when daylight saving time was in effect in the West Bank. After preparing bombs intended to murder, maim and cause mayhem, local terrorists smuggled their ‘goods’ to colleagues-in-violence on the Israeli side.
Miracles of miracles, the Hand of G-d worked against the wickedness! Because Israel had already changed to standard time, the perpetuators’ evil plot was thwarted. The explosives went off an hour earlier than intended, resulting in the deaths of three bombers while the two buses carrying Israelis citizens were spared.
RELATED: How 9/11 altered the insurance perspective
In the Dark
When time had its October 30 clock back-turn, all running Amtrak trains were required to stop at two in the morning, as per company regulations. The trains did not resume until three o’clock am, possibly leaving overnight travelers in the ‘dark’ about destination time.
Bright Driving Habits
NJ Auto Insurance Companies have discovered that folks drive safer during the daylight hours. To further the findings, studies find daylight saving time is responsible for curbing deadly vehicle collisions as well as pedestrian-involved car crashes.
Light in the Dark, Dark in the Light
During the winter season of Antarctica, there is no daylight. During the summer, there is only daylight – even at night. Nonetheless, many places of research in Antarctica follow daylight saving time in order to be connected with their headquarters that are located in New Zealand and Chile.
Minimizing Shady Characters
The US Law Enforcement Assistance Administration discovered something really cool about daylight savings time: because criminals favor the night, there’s less criminal activity during the light period! (see related: how to minimize home burglaries at http://www.primeins.com/insurance-news/2015/08/your-detached-garage-the-pitfall-of-theft)
Born between Light and Darkness
What happens when one twin is born just before the clocks change for daylight savings in the autumn, at 11:56 p.m. and the other twin is born at 12:03 a.m.? Because the clock falls back one hour, the younger one officially becomes ‘older’, with a documented birthdate at 11:03 p.m.
PRIME Insurance Time
Whether it’s standard time or daylight savings time, PRIME Insurance Agency staff members often are accessible beyond regular hours for coverage guidance and insurance claim support.
As part of a chain of educational articles, PRIME Insurance brings you this informative write-up.

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An evil plot is foiled. A train stops for an hour's time. A younger twin's birth is before his older brother. Discover these and other fascinating anecdotes in regard to daylight saving time, brought to you by the leading NJ insurance policy provider.
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